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Autumn Lawncare

3 Steps to a Great-Looking Lawn
Autumn is the perfect time to prepare your lawn for a beautiful, healthy spring. With just a few simple steps, you can address common lawn issues, restore bare patches, and ensure a lush, vibrant lawn for the season ahead. By treating lawn grubs, tackling weeds, and replenishing your soil, you’ll set your lawn up for success. Regular care with fertilisers and lime applications will maintain its health year-round. Follow these steps and let your lawn thrive—start now and enjoy the rewards of a lush, green oasis come spring.

Step One: Treat Problems

Address lawn issues early in the season—March is the ideal time to start.

Combat Lawn Grubs - Grass grubs often cause mottled dead patches or grass areas that lift away like a rug. Treat them with LawnPro Lawnguard granules. Sprinkle them over the affected areas and water them thoroughly. Regular use helps prevent future infestations.

Tackle Weeds - Weeds grow most actively before the end of March, making it the best time to treat them. For effective results on a broad range of NZ lawn weeds, use LawnPro Turfclean.


Step Two: Restore and Replenish

Problem-solving might leave a few bare patches but don’t worry—restoring these areas is easy.

Use LawnPro Smart Patch Mix - this specialised lawn seed blend with a moisture-retaining gel for guaranteed germination. Simply sow the seeds, keep the soil moist, and watch green shoots appear in just seven days.

Avoid mowingnew grass - It should be around 8cm tall to give it a strong start.


Step Three: Regular Maintenance

To maintain a healthy lawn year-round, establish a regular care routine:

Fertiliser - Choose a product like LawnPro 7-day Green, which provides balanced nutrients without overfeeding. Its lime base raises the soil’s pH, discouraging moss and acid-loving weeds. It’s gentle enough to apply monthly, keeping your lawn green and healthy.

Sweeten the Soil - Regular applications of lime-based fertiliser help create conditions that prevent common lawn problems from returning.


Top Lawncare Tips from Kiwicare

  1. Raise Your Mower Blades -  Never cut more than 1/3 of your lawn’s height. Shorter grass is more prone to disease and drying out.
  2. Water Deeply in the Morning - Deep watering once or twice a week is more effective than frequent, light watering. Always water in the morning to avoid fungal issues.
  3. Be Proactive - Treat issues early, or better yet, prevent them! Establish a routine to make lawncare simple and stress-free.

Get Your Free Lawncare Calendar

For even more guidance, download Kiwicare’s free printable Lawncare Calendar and a detailed guide to “What to Apply When” at




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