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Growing Beans
Beans are one of the most traditional vegetables, grown and enjoyed worldwide. Whether eaten raw or cooked, they are versatile, nutritious, and easy to grow from seed or seedlings. With a range of sizes, colours, and textures, beans are a must-have for every garden.

Beans are versatile, delicious, and easy to grow, making them a garden favourite for generations. Whether climbing, bushy, or broad, there’s a variety to suit every space and taste. Add beans to your garden this season and enjoy the satisfaction of fresh, homegrown harvests.



Plant in a sunny, well-drained area with easy access for harvesting.


Preparation & Planting

  • Enrich the soil with compost before planting.
  • Sow seeds 2–5cm deep and 10–20cm apart in rows spaced 60cm apart.
  • Apply slug bait after planting to protect young plants.


Care & Maintenance

  • Keep plants well-watered during hot, dry months.
  • Harvest often to extend the picking season.



Enjoy fresh, cooked, or blanch and freeze beans for up to six months.


Varieties of Beans

Beans come in a variety of types, from dwarf bushes to climbers, with pod colours ranging from green to yellow and textures from broad to slender.


Climbing Beans

Climbing beans need support, such as a trellis, bamboo stakes, or a decorative willow obelisk. Most varieties mature in 14 weeks.

  • Scarlet Runner ‘Tenderline’: Long, tender pods that regrow when cut back.
  • Scarlet Runner ‘Goliath’: A versatile variety perfect for freezing, regrows annually.
  • Bean Snake ‘Orient Wonder’: Slender, 40cm pods with a unique flavour, great for stir-fries.
  • Climber ‘Shiny Fardenlosa’: Stringless pods with a melt-in-your-mouth texture.


French Beans & Dwarfs

French beans are compact and quick to mature, ideal for pots or small spaces.

  • Dwarf ‘Tendergreen’: Stringless, crisp pods, excellent for containers.
  • Dwarf ‘Bush Baby’: Prolific, tender pods up to 100mm long.
  • ‘Barlotti Red Rooster’: Red and white pods, perfect for baked beans.
  • Dwarf ‘Scarlet Pimpernel’: Small, traditional pods for pots or small gardens.


Butter Beans

Yellow pods with a softer texture and delicate flavour.

  • Dwarf ‘Yellow Butter Cherokee’: Vivid yellow pods, great for salads.
  • Climber ‘Golden Crown’: High-yielding with a long harvesting season.


Broad Beans

These giants are making a comeback in the kitchen. Pick young for a sweet, tender taste or let mature for a stronger flavour.

  • Broad Bean ‘Coles Prolific’: Smaller plants with large, tender crops.
  • Broad Bean ‘Green Seeded’: Bright green pods with a sweet, melting taste.



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